Foods that make your hair grow faster, denser and healthier:

Foods that make your hair grow faster, denser and healthier:

What foods make your hair grow faster? Just like the rest of your body, your hair needs vitamins, minerals and nourishment, for it to be able to grow and stay healthy. Changing your diet to make your hair grow thicker and longer may not give you instant results, but it will give you long lasting ones. Here are ten foods that you can add to your healthy and balanced diet that are known to promote the growth of thick, long and healthy hair:

1. Eggs – wonderful, versatile source of protein

Your hair is basically made up of protein, and eggs are a fantastic and versatile source of protein. So, including eggs into your diet is another good tip on how to make your hair grow faster. Chicken and duck eggs contain minerals, such as sulphur, iron and zinc, which are also needed for healthy hair growth.

2. Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes

You also need plenty vitamin A for good hair growth. Every cell in your body, in fact, needs vitamin A and it also helps in the production of the natural oils in your scalp, so it will stop your head from becoming dry and itchy. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, as also are carrots and pumpkin.

3. Salmon – a true superstar of hair-healthy foods 

How to make your hair grow faster? Eat more salmon! Salmon is a true superstar in our list of foods for long and thick hair. Salmon contains plenty of the Omega-3 fatty acids that your hair needs for becoming healthier, thicker and glossier, so salmon is the perfect healthy hair growth food to add to your diet.

4. Avocado – fabulous source of natural fatty acids

Avocados are another great source of amazing, natural fatty acids. Great on their own, with salads or in sandwiches, avocados are packed with the good fats that your body and hair need and, you can always use them in a hair mask too, if you don’t feel like eating them.

5. Oysters – the treasure house of zinc

A lack of zinc in your diet can lead to hair loss and oysters are very rich in zinc, as well as they contain plenty of protein. If you don’t like the taste of oysters, you can also get zinc from fortified breakfast cereals and whole grain bread.

6. Vitamin C rich blueberries, kiwis, limes, strawberries, lemons and oranges 

Fresh fruit, such as blueberries, limes, strawberries, kiwis and oranges contain lots of vitamin C, and your hair really does need vitamin C, because it plays a vital role in the blood circulation in the tiny vessels that feed your hair follicles. With insufficient vitamin C content in your diet, your hair is more vulnerable to breakage. Brussels sprouts are also particularly rich in Vitamin C.

7. Iron, zinc and protein in lean red meats

A lack of iron in your diet can also be a cause of thinning hair. Including lean red meat, such as beef, veal and lamb in your balanced diet will provide you with both protein and the essential mineral – iron.

8. Get your greens: spinach, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli

Another good suggestion on how to make your hair grow faster is to include into your healthy diet fresh green leafy vegetables, like spinach, collards, kale, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, which are a great source of the vitamins and minerals that are needed for healthy hair growth. Spinach and Brussels sprouts, in particular, are a wonderful source of beta carotene, iron and vitamin C, all of which will feed and nourish your hair and promote a healthy supply of blood to the hair follicles.

9. Hair-healthy nuts: walnuts, cashews, butternuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans and hazelnuts

Walnuts, cashews and butternuts contain a significant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and are also rich in vitamins and biotin, which helps make your hair grow faster, thicker and longer, as well as to protect the cells of your hair from the sun. Almonds also are very high in biotin. You can eat walnuts, cashews, butternuts and almonds as a snack, use walnut or almond oil as a salad dressing or as a cooking oil, to reap all the benefits that these nuts have to offer. Macadamia nuts, pecans and hazelnuts are also very hair-healthy, but avoid buying them covered in sugar, chocolate or salt.

10. Protein in lean turkey, duck, emu or chicken

To get all the protein that your hair needs to grow long and thick, poultry is a great alternative to red meat. Chicken, duck, emu and turkey provide all the building blocks that your hair needs to grow healthier and denser, and their meet also contains a good supply of iron and zinc.

There are many other foods that help your hair grow faster and thicker. Hair is almost all protein, so make sure to include protein-rich food in your healthy and balanced diet.

How to make your hair grow faster naturally? What are your favorite foods and products that make hair grow faster and healthier?

Final hair tips:

And finally, always be gentle with your hair, because rough treatment can pull hair out or break it. Your hair is more fragile when it’s wet, so dry your locks gently with a towel and avoid rough brushing too.
Another thing to remember, is that hair products might make your hair look great at the time, but the more you use them, the more damage you do to your locks. Your hair needs to be able to breathe, to grow and so, the less product that you use, the healthier your hair will be.
It’s a myth that cutting your locks regularly will make your hair grow faster; it makes no difference at all! The fact is though, if you trim your hair regularly, it will remove any damaged or split ends early, before the damage can spread further up the strands of your hair. This will mean that, overall, you will have to cut off less hair.
Now, when you know some tips on how to make your hair grow faster, try, experiment, play, but most impertinently, love yourself!
What is your favorite secret on how to accelerate hair growth? Please, share your thoughts and hair tips in the comment section below.
Stay beautiful, shine everywhere, shine always!

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