How Do I Tell My Mom I’m Crossdresser?
A few weeks ago I decided to tell my mom that I’m CROSSDRESSER. Though I’m sure she has suspected at one time she’s never mentioned anything to me. As far as I know, she’s never seen me dressed, or found errant pieces of woman’s clothing in my room when I lived at home.
If she ever did suspect, I think marriage removed the last seeds of doubt. Even I thought being wed to a beautiful woman would cure my crossdressing desires.

Why Am I Telling Her Now?
I’ve been thinking about telling my mom for a while, and always found a reason to avoid it. I justified this to myself by saying, ‘I don’t want to cause her distress’, and ‘she’ll be happier if she doesn’t know’. How hollow and selfish those reasons seem now.
My mom is in her sixties, and because of some health issues she is considering surgery. The surgery is generally not risky, but it got me thinking. (phew, even as I write this tears are coming to my eyes). It got me thinking, ‘How would I feel if I never told her?’, ‘How would I feel if I denied her the opportunity to love and accept me for who I am?’, ‘How would she feel knowing I didn’t trust her enough to tell her?’.
The more I thought about it, the more not telling her felt like an act of betrayal, and not an act of kindness. So I made up my mind to tell her. My primary concern now is for our relationship. I want to tell her in a loving way, that makes it as easy on her. I want to share what’s on my heart, but give her space and time to understand.
I Need Your Help
There are two things I’m unsure of when it comes to telling my mom.
How do I tell her I’m Crossdresser?
We live many thousands of miles apart, and I won’t have an opportunity to visit her for a few years. What is the best way to tell her? A letter, an email, over the phone? I’ve been thinking about writing a letter and attaching it to an email. So the email will give me a chance to introduce it before she reads the letter, but also showing her that I’ve given it thought to put it in letter form.What do I tell her?
I know for sure that I’m crossdresser, but I don’t know how far along the journey to womanhood I want to travel. I’m not sure if I’d be content dressing on the weekends, or only feel whole living as a woman every day. How would you share this, when even the very notion of being crossdresser can be confusing?If you’ve told your parents, or a loved one your advice would be a blessing to me. Please take a moment to comment and share your thoughts.