Top 25 things every crossdressing man needs in his wardrobe :
1) waist cincher
The right waist cincher can mold your body into a feminine figure by pulling in your waist and displacing what it pulled...
How do you tell your girl friend you crossdress?
The only real advice I can have you think consider is this:
The questions you need to answer yourself are:
Are you comfortable with this being a part of...
Top 5 Bra Style That every Crossdresser should know :
With so many bra options to choose from, it’s no wonder so many crossdressers and TG women get confused and wear a bra that’s the wrong size or style.
How to Crossdress Yourself to Look more feminine:
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Cross dressing to look and be feminine requires many steps to success. Such steps include attire such as...
How to crossdress yourself ?
Female To Male
1) Find a role model. Find a male archetype or two to get your cues from. Using archetypes will help you with style cues, movement, attitude, and that all-important swagger.