How to crossdress yourself ?

Female To Male

1) Find a role model. Find a male archetype or two to get your cues from. Using archetypes will help you with style cues, movement, attitude, and that all-important swagger.
Choose guys with features that are roughly similar to yours, or you'll have a hard time making the switch convincing.

2) Square it up. Whether big or small, tiny or tall, we all have a "look" that cues others to our gender. For guys, it's generally blocky and rectangular, so that's what you'll need to shoot for for the most masculine look.

3) Tuck in the twins. Everybody loves breasts, as a single night of TV viewing will quickly evidence. Unfortunately, as prized as breasts are in our culture, they're a sure giveaway if you're trying to look like a man (unless you're going for the whole man-boob look—not recommended). If you want to be convincing, the girls have got to go under cover.
Usually this can be achieved by wearing form-reducing underclothes that can smooth out the look. A sports bra that is two sizes too small for you, or a control top made from a cut up pair of panty hose; can give you a flatter and smoother look. NOTE: binding too tight or for too long can cause serious health problems.

4) Flatten out the curves. Guys tend to have broader shoulders, and more of a straight line between the rib cage and hips—with narrower hips in general. The goal here is to add padding to both the shoulders and waist, and to visually de-emphasize the hips.
Wear looser clothing to help de-emphasize curves, in general.
Going to the gym can create a more masculine figure by targeting specific muscle groups. Build your chest, arms and legs to create more "bulk" on the body.
Padding at the waist can be done to look realistic by adding bulk with extra fabric. There are prosthetic devices available as well. It doesn't take much, just enough to reduce the appearance of wider hips.

5)Contour your facial features. Women's faces tend to be smaller and rounder, with less-prominent chins and noses. You can use makeup to help mask a feminine face, but it will be more about attitude than look, if you want to be convincing.
Men have smaller lips, larger noses, bigger eyebrows, lower cheek bones and a more pronounced jaw line. Use contouring powder to create heavier looking features. Don't use any additional make up to add color to the face. Adding "facial hair" can make a large difference in your look, but be cautious—it won't stand up to close scrutiny. Consider adding a high-quality mustache or goatee for a more convincing look. Even men with naturally sparse facial hair can often grow those. Just don't make it look like an overgrown bush, or it will look fake.

Build the perfect package. If you think about a roll of quarters, you'll have the average size about right—though you will want to adjust the proportions depending on your own physical attributes. However, while a roll of quarters might give you the right dimensions, but you will look like you're permanently ready for action. Consider stuffing with a sock, or even considering a prosthetic penis. If you use a wool sock, you may inadvertently set yourself up for a typical guy cue: scratching the itch.

6)Get a haircut. Short hair on women is generally OK in 21st century culture, especially in locations where cross-dressing is acceptable, so there shouldn't be a big issue with trimming your locks.
Consider keeping enough length so that you can give your hair a soft look when you're out of character, and then slick it up and back when you're in character.

7) Dress the part. Men's jeans are a sure way to de-emphasize your female shape. By keeping it looser in the butt, you'll also minimize recognition from behind. In general, a looser fit in your clothes will work to your advantage. However, if you want to look more sophisticated and tailored, make sure the clothes are cut to fit a man's shape—then back-fill with padding and minimizing to achieve the right look.

8)Pay attention to the smaller details. While first impressions go a long way to establishing your identity, a lasting impression will work only if you fine-tune the details.
Exposed body hair. Let your leg and underarm hair grow naturally. With the exception of Olympic swimmers and competitive cyclists, guys don't shave there.
Trim your nails. This is an obvious, but a sometimes-overlooked detail. Give yourself a manicure to achieve the look you want. Keeping your fingernails trimmed down so that a sliver of white shows will help. Don't trim into the quick or you'll look like a nervous wreck.
Accessories: While lots of guys wear necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, most guys don't. Since the goal is to avoid being taken for a woman, avoid such trappings. If you do decide to go with jewelry, shop in the men's department

9)Be the man. If you want to pull off the entire gender persona, its important to have the right "act" down.
Develop the personality. Think of what kind of man you want to be. Based on that, you may want to alter some of your basic personality traits. Try being more aggressive, and being direct when you want something instead of being nice. For example, to quench your thirst when dining out, say "Excuse me, we'd like some water here, please." instead of "Hi! Yes, may I please have a glass of water? Thank you so much!" For a man, it's not a question, even when framed as a question.
Alter the voice. Bring down your voice to become more like a man. Also speak more like a man speaks—louder, more flat-toned, and more clipped. Guys also tend to slur their words, saying "I gotta have that car," where a woman would more likely say "I must have those shoes!" It's also important to adopt the vocabulary associated with the opposite sex. Nothing is ever "fabulous," "adorable," or "precious." It also helps if you have a prominent Adam's apple.

Talking the talk? Now walk the walk. Slow it down. Men swing their arms less and walk slower, and keep their hips from swaying. Take longer strides, and exude confidence. You know where you're going, so never look at a map or ask directions.

10) Put it all together. Talk the talk, walk the walk, dress the part, play the role, and be the man!

Source WIKIHOW :