क्रॉसड्रेसर की सुहागरात - Hindi Crossdressing Story Suhagrat Part 1

 मैं 25 साल का लड़का हूं जो गुप्त रूप से महिलाओं के कपड़े पहनना पसंद करता है। खैर, अब मैं पुणे के एक फ्लैट में अकेला रहता हूं ताकि क्रॉसड्रेसिंग कर  सकूं और अपना ज्यादातर समय महिलाओं के कपड़े पहनकर बिता सकूं। मैंने फेशियल लेजर ट्रीटमेंट किया है ताकि मुझे चेहरे के बालों का एक भी निशान न मिले।

तो उस दिन, मैं मैं फेसबुक पर एक क्रॉस ड्रेसिंग ग्रुप में चैट कर रहा था। मुझे पता चला कि इस समूह ने 'सुहाग रात' प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया है। इस प्रतियोगिता में दो ग्रुप होते हैं। एक क्रॉसड्रेसर के लिए और दूसरा सीडी लवर्स के लिए।

आपको क्रॉसड्रेसर के रूप में अपनी 5 तस्वीरें अपलोड करनी होंगी। समूह के सदस्य मतदान करेंगे। अधिकतम वोट प्राप्त करने वाले क्रॉसड्रेसर को दुल्हन या दुल्हन के रूप में चुना जाएगा। इसी प्रकार सर्वाधिक मत प्राप्त करने वाले सीडी प्रेमी को दूल्हा या दूल्हे के रूप में चुना जाएगा।

दोनों विजेताओं ने 5-सितारा होटल के हनीमून सुइट में सुहाग रात की रात जीती। मैं बेहद उत्साहित था। मैं खुद को सबसे खूबसूरत सीडी में से एक मानता था इसलिए प्रतियोगिता जीतने की मेरी संभावना भी सकारात्मक है।

मैंने प्रतिभागियों के प्रोफाइल के माध्यम से ब्राउज़ किया। मैंने उनकी तस्वीरें देखीं। कुछ को छोड़कर, अन्य सभी क्रॉसड्रेसिंग के साथ परिपूर्ण नहीं थे। मैंने सोचा कि मैं अलग-अलग तरह के इंडियन और वेस्टर्न कंजूसी वाले कपड़ों में अपनी 5 तस्वीरें क्लिक करूं।

मेरे पास कपड़ों, विग और ब्रेस्ट फॉर्म का बहुत बड़ा संग्रह है। (स्तन के रूप विशेष रूप से क्रॉसड्रेसर के लिए सिलिकॉन से बने नकली स्तन हैं। ये बहुत वास्तविक दिखते हैं और कोई भी यह नहीं बता सकता कि ये वास्तव में नकली हैं।)

मुझे उम्मीद थी कि मैं प्रतियोगिता जीतूंगा और मैं इसकी सही उम्मीद कर रहा था क्योंकि जब मैं परिणाम निकला, तो मुझे विजेता घोषित किया गया।

हिंदी क्रॉसड्रेसिंग स्टोरी - Hindi Crossdressing Story Housewife

 नमस्कार दोस्तों, मैं नेहा । मैं एक पुरुष हूं लेकिन जब भी मैं अकेली होती हूं तो मुझे महिलाओं के कपड़े पहनना अच्छा लगता है। मैं अपने शरीर को बहुत ही स्त्री तरीके से बनाए रखती हूं। मैं अपने पूरे शरीर के बालों को वैक्स करती हूं और अपनी त्वचा को मुलायम और चिकनी बनाए रखने के लिए नहाने के बाद मैं रोजाना बॉडी बटर क्रीम लगाती हूं। मेरे चेहरे के बाल नहीं हैं और हर 15 दिनों में, मैं चेहरे के बालों के किसी भी निशान को हटाने के लिए थ्रेडिंग उपचार से गुजरता हूं। क्रॉसड्रेसिंग की आदत के कारण मैंने एक फ्लैट किराए पर लिया है जिसमें मैं अकेली रहती  हूं। मेरे पास सभी प्रकार की महिलाओं के कपड़े हैं। ब्रा, पैंटी, साड़ी, सलवार कमीज, टॉप, स्कर्ट और नाइटी।

मैंने 3 तरह के हेयर विग और दो जोड़ी ब्रेस्ट फॉर्म भी खरीदे हैं। आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दे कि ब्रेस्ट फॉर्म सिलिकॉन एडहेसिव वाले सिलिकॉन ब्रेस्ट होते हैं जिन्हें मैं अपनी छाती से लगा सकती हूं. वे असली स्तनों की तरह दिखते हैं।

जब भी मैं फ्लैट में होता हूं तो खुद को तैयार रखती  हूं। जब कपड़े पहने होते हैं, तो कोई यह अनुमान नहीं लगा सकता कि मैं पुरुष हूं, इसके बजाय मैं एक खूबसूरत भारतीय महिला की तरह दिखती हूं। मेरी हाइट 5'8 इंच और फिगर 36-32-36 है। कभी-कभी, उत्सुकतावश मैं कपड़े पहन लेती  हूं और अपने फ्लैट से पास के बाजार या शॉपिंग मॉल में जाती  हूं और अनुमान लगाती  हूं कि कोई भी मुझे क्रॉसड्रेसर के रूप में नहीं पहचानता। इसके बजाय, पुरुष और लड़के मेरे शरीर को कामुक निगाहों से देखते हैं। कुछ बुरे लड़कों ने बाइक पर मेरा पीछा करने की भी कोशिश की।


इस दिन स्नान करने के बाद, मैंने अपना विग पहना था जिसमें सिरों से लंबे काले बाल थे। फिर मैंने अपना वॉर्डरोब खोला और अपने 36 इंच के ब्रेस्ट फॉर्म पेयर को बाहर निकाला। मैंने अपनी छाती पर ब्रेस्ट फॉर्म लगा दिए। मेरे स्तनों में काले निप्पल थे। मैंने अपने अर्ध सख्त लिंग को अपनी जाँघों के बीच में छिपा लिया और एक काली पैंटी पहनी थी। पैंटी इतनी नरम थी और इसने मेरी अस्स  को इतनी अच्छी तरह से ढँक लिया था कि मैं पहले से ही एक महिला की तरह महसूस करने लगी थी।

फिर मैंने ब्लैक कलर की ब्रा निकाली। मैंने अपने ब्रेस्ट को ब्रा कप में रखा और पीछे से ब्रा को हुक कर दिया। मैंने एक गहरी गर्म दरार बना ली थी। अब मैंने सोचा कि दिन के लिए क्या पहनना है। मैंने नीली साटन की साड़ी चुनी। सबसे पहले मैंने एक नीला पेटीकोट निकाला। मैंने पेटीकोट पहना और उसकी गाँठ को अपने पेट के नीचे बांध लिया। मेरे भगवान पर, पेटीकोट की सामग्री ने मेरी जांघों पर छुआ और ब्रश किया, जिससे मेरे रोंगटे खड़े हो गए।


फिर मैंने हल्के नीले रंग का ब्लाउज निकाला जो साटन कॉटन से बना था। मैंने ब्लाउज पहना था और उसमें आगे की तरफ हुक लगे थे। मेरे ब्रेस्ट और बांहों पर ब्लाउज टाइट था। इसमें डीप नेक कट और बैक कट भी था। मैं आईने के सामने खड़ी  हो गयी । मैं बहुत सुंदर और हॉट लग रही थी। किसी भी आदमी को पागल करने के लिए मेरे ब्लाउज से अच्छी मात्रा में दरार निकली थी।

फिर मैंने नीली साड़ी को अपने पेटीकोट के चारों ओर लपेटना शुरू किया और अंत में दो गुना पल्लू बनाकर अपने ब्लाउज पर पिन कर दिया। मैं बहुत खूबसूरत लग रही थी। अब बारी थी मेकअप और एक्सेसरीज पहनने की। मैं ड्रेसिंग टेबल के पास बैठ गयी । सबसे पहले मैंने अपने चेहरे पर लिक्विड फाउंडेशन क्रीम लगाई और चारों तरफ पाउडर फाउंडेशन लगाकर इसे फिनिशिंग टच दिया। फिर मैंने अपनी पलकों पर आईलाइनर लगाया और अंत में अपनी भौंहों के पास काजल लगाया।

फिर मैंने अपने होठों पर गहरे गुलाबी रंग की लिपस्टिक लगाई। मैंने नीले रंग की छोटी बिंदी निकाल कर अपने माथे पर लगाई। फिर मैंने अपनी उंगलियों में लाल सिंदूर लिया और अपनी मांग पर सिंदूर लगाया। मेकअप किया गया था। मैंने दो सोने की नक़ली बालियां लीं और उन्हें अपने कानों में पहना। फिर एक मंगलसूत्र का हार निकाला और मेरे गले में पहना दिया।

फिर मैंने पायल की एक जोड़ी निकाली और उन्हें अपने पैरों के चारों ओर पहना। सब कुछ हो चुका था इसलिए मैं अपनी अलमारी में गया और दस नीले रंग की कांच की चूड़ियाँ निकालीं और अपनी कलाई पर पाँच-पाँच चूड़ियाँ पहनीं। अब जब मैं आईने के पास खड़ा था, तो मैं खुद को पूरी तरह से तैयार भारतीय गृहिणी के रूप में देख सकती थी ।

I become Indian Housewife - Indian Crossdressing Story

 Hi friends, Neha here. I am a male however I love to wear female clothes whenever I am alone. I maintain my body in a very feminine way. I wax all my body hair and I daily apply body butter cream after having bath to keep my skin soft and smooth. I don’t have facial hair and in every 15 days, I undergo threading treatment for removal of any sign of facial hair. Due to my crossdressing habit, I have rented a flat in which I stay alone. I have all types of ladies clothes. Bras, panties, sarees, salwar kameez, tops, skirts and nighties.

I have even bought 3 types of hair wigs and two pairs of breast forms. For your information, breast forms are silicon breasts with silicon adhesive which I can attach to my chest. They look like real breasts.

I keep myself dressed whenever I am in flat. When dressed, no one can guess that I am a male; instead I look like a beautiful Indian lady. My height is 5’8 inches and figure of 36-32-36. Sometimes, out of curiosity I get dressed and go out of my flat to the nearby market or to the shopping mall and guess what, no one recognizes me as a crossdresser. Instead, men and boys stare at my body with lusty eyes. Some bad boys even tried to follow me on bikes.

This day after having bath, I wore my wig which had long black hair curled up from the ends. Then I opened my wardrobe and took out my 36 inch breast forms pair. I attached the breast forms on my chest. My breasts had black nipples. I hid my semi hard penis in between my thighs and wore a black panty. The panty was so soft and it covered my ass so well that I had already started feeling like a lady.

Then I took out a black color bra. I placed my breasts in the bra cups and hooked the bra from behind. I had formed a deep hot cleavage. Now I wondered what to wear for the day. I chose a blue satin saree. First of all, I took out a blue petticoat. I wore the petticoat and tied its knot just under my belly. On my god, the material of the petticoat touched and brushed on my thighs giving me goosebumps.

Then I took out a light blue coloured blouse which was made of satin cotton. I wore the blouse and it had hooks on the front. The blouse was tight on my breast and arms. It had a deep neck cut and back cut as well. I stood in front of the mirror. I was looking very pretty and hot. I had a good amount of cleavage exposed from my blouse to make any man go mad.

Then I started draping the blue saree around my petticoat and finally made a two fold pallu and pinned it on my blouse. I was looking very gorgeous. Now it was time to wear makeup and accessories. I sat near the dressing table. First of all I applied liquid foundation cream on my face and gave it a finishing touch by applying powder foundation all over it. Then I applied eyeliner on my eye lids and finally applied kajal near my eyebrows.

Then I applied dark pink colored lipstick on my lips. I took out a blue colored small bindi and applied it on my forehead. Then I took red sindoor in my fingers and applied sindoor on my maang. Makeup was done. I took two gold imitated earrings and wore them on my ears. Then took out a mangal sutra necklace and wore it around my neck.

Then I took out a pair of payals and wore them around my feet. All was done so I went to my wardrobe and took out ten blue colored glass bangles and wore five each around my wrists. Now when I stood near the mirror, I could see myself as a perfectly dressed Indian housewife.

Crossdressing Story - With Bua

 Hi friends, let me introduce myself. My name is Vikram. I am a male and my age is 25. I love crossdressing from a very young age. I used to stay at my home with my parents. My dad would return from office at 10 pm. In the evening, my younger brother used to play cricket outside for 3 hours and my mom used to go for evening walk with her friends.

 At this time I stayed at home and got a good chance to crossdress. I used to wear my mom's bra, panty, blouse, petticoat and then a saree. I wanted to dress like Kajol, the most beautiful Indian Actress. Thus I had saved her wallpaper in my computer.

I would get dressed in Mom's saree in evening, imagine myself like Kajol. Then I would wash utensils, clean the house etc. These activities give me a feeling as if I am a female. Then I would browse through pics of Indian Actresses and then Masturbate thinking that I am one of them and some handsome young man is fucking me.

I am a bit plump, so after dressing in mom's clothes, my figure is around 36-30-36. But now time had come when I had to leave home for higher studies. Though I wanted to stay alone in the new city so that I can indulge in intense crossdressing but Dad asked me to stay with his sister who is 38 years old and unmarried.

I call her Seema Aunty. I don't know why she didn't marry and stays alone in a flat. However she has a very nice job in one of the MNCs.

I reached her flat and she welcomed me. She hugged me and said "Vicky, you are so grown up. I saw you 5 years ago when you were so young."

Seema Aunty was wearing a t-shirt and denim jeans. I started staying in her flat and also got admission in college.

One week passed and what I noticed about Seema Aunty is that she always wore T-shirt jeans, Formal shirt and pant. She had boycut hair. If we talk about figure, then she is a bit flab. Her figure must be around 34-30-36. I never saw a bra or a panty of hers. This day on Sunday, we were having lunch.  Seema Aunty asked me about my college life. I replied to whatever questions she asked.

Then I asked her "Aunty, I have noticed one thing. Why do you always wear t-shirts and jeans? Why not ladies clothes like salwar kameez and saree?"

She replied "Vicky, I am very comfortable in what I wear. I have dresses and sarees however I don't wear them."

I said "But Seema Aunty, you don't wear ladies tops too. You always wear men's T-Shirts, trousers etc. Why so?"

Aunty smiled and said "Vicky, I don't know why but those clothes don't appeal to me. You can say I am very tomboyish."

I said "Yes I have noticed that. You are very dominating like men. Is that why you didn't marry?"

She said "Well, there is no reason as such, I'll tell you later. It is a very personal thing."

I said "In a way, you live your life as a male."

She smiled and said "Why do you say so? Only because of the clothes I wear?"

I said "No aunty, not only clothes, your behavior, and you also don't apply lipstick, kajal. You don't wear any jewellery too."

She said "Oh my God, you have noticed so much about me. What else?"

I said "Aunty, in other words, I can say that you are a female to male crossdresser."

She was taken aback by what I said. Then she told me "How did you get to know about this crossdresser word?"

I said "I just know."

She said "Yes, you can call me as a female to male crossdresser. I love living life as a male. And you know what, I like women. I am quite attracted to women, not men. Thats why I have short hair like men. Anything else you noticed?"

I gathered courage and said "Aunty, you keep the washed clothes on the balcony for drying. But I have never seen a bra or a panty there."

She had an intense look in her eyes and said "I don't wear bra. I wear male vest or banyan. I wear male underwear."

I smiled and said "So you don't have bra?"

She said "I have but I don't wear. How do you know so much about crossdressing? Through movies?"

I said "No Aunty, every person has a tendency about dressing in opposite sex clothes. Some have curiosity. Well, sometimes I also indulge in Crossdressing."

Aunty started laughing "Well, its good. I liked what you said. We are two like minded people. So did you dress up in your Mom's clothes?"

I said "Yes, when no one is at home, I dress up."

She asked "What all things you tried?"

I said "I have tried her blouse, petticoat, saree, bra panty etc."

She said "Would you like to dress up now? In my clothes? I have not  worn my female clothes for a long time."

I said "Really Aunty?"

She said "Yes. And from now on call me Vicky. I'll call you Seema. By the way now I understand why you have clean shaven face and body. Your body is very girly."

I blushed and said "I would love to crossdress in your clothes."

We went to the bedroom and Seema Aunty opened her wardrobe and let me have a look at her feminine clothes which she didn't wear. She showed me her bras. She had a black one, white, pink, yellow and grey colored bras. I chose to wear the black one.

Then she showed me her panties. Out of the 6 panties, I chose to wear a dark brown panty which was softer that any other panties. She smiled and said "I like your choice dear."

Then she asked me to wear the bra and panty. I removed my clothes and tied a towel under my belly. I started wearing the bra. Aunty helped me in tying the hook at my back. Then she took two pillow covers and folded them in round shaped balls. She placed the balls in the bra cups to make my boobs.

Seema Aunty said "We'll order a good pair of breast forms for you. Right now, we can use these cloth balls as breasts."

Then I wore the brown panty and hid my semi hard penis in between my thighs. Then I removed the towel and now I was just in bra and panty. The panty was very soft on my skin and I started feeling like a female. Then Aunty gave me a female wig to wear and said "I wear this wig when I attend family functions to hide my boycut hair."

I wore the wig on my head which had long silky black hair. Then Aunty showed me her sarees. There were a few sarees but I chose to wear a sky blue color saree. She appreciated my choice and gave me the matching blouse and petticoat for the saree.

The blouse was made of polyester mix cotton and was blue in color. It had quarter length arms and a very deep back cut. Aunty helped me in wearing the blouse. The blouse had hooks in the front. The neck cut was not so deep but still would have exposed cleavage had I worn any breast forms. You can have a look at the hot lady at the top of the story. I had worn the same kind of blouse and saree.

Then I wore the cotton blue petticoat and tied it just under my belly. The blouse was a bit tight and perfectly fit my arms. I was feeling like a woman. Then I wore the saree and made a two fold pallu and attached it over my blouse. Then Aunty made me sit at the dressing table and applied make up on my face. I also applied lipstick on my lips, kajal on eyebrows. I wore gold earrings, gold bangles and payals on my feet.

I was ready as a woman. Aunty asked me "Whom do you admire?"

I said "I admire Kajol. I always imagine myself as Kajol whenever I am dressed."

Aunty said "Ok, so I'll call you Kajol when You are dressed. By the way, you look very hot in this female avatar."

We sat, chatted, watched tv. I showed her the actress pics on my laptop. While browsing through the pics, I was seriously hoping to get fucked by a macho man. I was imagining myself as a lady. While thinking so much, my penis had become very hard in between my thighs. I told Aunty "Seema Aunty, can I go to your bedroom for a minute?"

Aunty asked "Why Kajol?"

I said "Whenever I am dressed, I always masturbate. I badly need to masturbate, I want to spurt my cream."

Aunty smiled and said "Do you wanna get fucked?"

I said "Yes."

She said "Even I want to fuck you baby. You are so hot. I have already ordered your breast forms and my silicon penis. They will arrive within a week. Till then, come, masturbate for me. Look at me and masturbate."

I couldn't control it any longer, I removed my saree and was just in blouse and petticoat. I removed the soft cotton panty from under my petticoat and started rubbing my hard dick with my hand.

Aunty removed her t shirt and jeans. She was completely nude in front of me. She started rubbing her pussy. I was feeling so horny that I grabbed her boobs and started sucking them. Then I grabbed her thighs and started inserting my hot rod into her wet hot pussy. I started fucking her with very hard thrusts.

I fucked her so hard that she was screaming in pain and pleasure. I couldn't hold any longer and spurted out all my sperms inside her pussy.

I started living life as a female while inside home. I always wore Seema aunty's clothes and she wore my clothes. Every night we had sex. Soon the breast forms and dildo arrived. From that day, she would suck my nipples and fuck my ass with the dildo.

Story of Mother Son Crossdressing

 Hi friends, my name is Bani. I am a 45 years old woman working in a Govt Bank. My husband works in a top IT company and thus he mostly stays outside the country. I have a daughter who is studying engineering in New Delhi. I have a son who is in high school and is 17 years old. About me, I am a good looking woman who is very traditional and loves to wear sarees while on work. My height is 5.2 feet and my vital stats are 38-34-36. Yes I am a plump woman or you can say that I am a curvaceous woman.

Because my husband stays out of the country and daughter stays in Delhi, me and my son stay alone at our home in Kanpur. My son is a good student who likes to be at home and study rather than playing outside and hanging out with friends. He has a few friends and I was a bit worried.

One day, I decided to search his personal belongings and know what keeps him away from friends and why he likes to stay alone. I thought may be its a break up issue with a girl. When I searched his room, I found nothing but books, there was no personal diary in which he could write about his feelings.

But when I searched his wardrobe, I was quite surprised to see what I found in his drawers. I found some girly stuff like nailpolish, lipstick, foundation cream etc. When I searched in other drawer, I found a pair of bra and panties which belonged to his sister. First of all I thought maybe his sister who happens to be my daughter, might have kept these in the drawers because this room belonged to her before she went to new delhi.But still, I could not digest the point. Lots of thoughts came to my mind. Is my son masturbating in her panties??? Then why the lipstick and nailpolish??? Is he wearing these bra and panties???

I thought of talking to my son, Rajesh. But then I thought maybe I was thinking too much. But I was worried. I thought to confirm what is the issue and then talk to Rajesh.

When Rajesh came home from school, I kept my cool and talked to him in the usual way. I gave him lunch and after that he went to his room. I went to my bedroom and kept thinking what should be done.

I decided to peek through the keyhole and clear my doubts about Rajesh. I quietly went to his doorway, sat on the floor and peeked in to his room through the keyhole. I was watching his actions from the keyhole of his door. I saw him Coming out of the bathroom wearing a towel. I wondered what he was going to do next. Then what I saw was what I was not expecting to see. My son opened his drawer and took out the yellow panty. He removed his towel, adjusted his penis and wore the panty.

Then he started behaving like a girl in front of the mirror. My breathing was becoming heavy. Then he took out the yellow bra and wore it. Then he atarted applying nailpolish and lipstick. Then he lied down on bed and started reading Femina magazine.

I understood that he took the Femina magazine from my room. I was very worried and started sweating by seeing all this. My Son was wearing his sister’s bra and panty. He was a Crossdresser, He was a gay.

But then I saw Rajesh slowly removing the panty. His hard penis sprang out from the panty. Oh my god is was so big. It was almost 8 inches. He started masturbating his penis very fast and spurted out a lot of sperms on the bed. After that he removed his bra and wore his male clothes and slept.

I was a bit relieved that my son was crossdressing but he was not gay. He saw the pictures of hot models in Femina Magazine and masturbated. But still, I had some doubts in my mind. I thought of confronting him but in a different way. I wanted him to speak to me about his crossdressing.

That day went like a normal day and in the night I told him that next day I would wash his clothes so keep his wardrobe open. When next day he went to school, I opened his wardrobe and found that he had removed the bra, panty and other stuff and hid them somewhere else. I knew he would do that.

I had a plan in my mind. I took all his clothes including his underwear and put them in washing machine. Then I continued with my usual household activities. I was waiting for Rajesh to come back from school so that I would continue with my plan. Rajesh came home at 2 pm. Whenever he came home from school, he would go to his room and change his clothes.

This time also, he did the same thing. He went to his room and opened the wardrobe. He saw that there was no cloth to wear. He came to me in the kitchen and said “Mom, where are my clothes?”

I behaved as if I was in shock “Oh beta, I am so sorry, I put all your clothes in the washing machine and forgot to wash them.”

Rajesh said “Mom!!! Now what will I wear?”

I kept my hand on his cheeks and said “Beta, let me do something. You go to your bathroom, I’ll arrange some clothes.”

He went to his bathroom and had a bath and came out wearing a towel. I went to him and gave my pink nighty to wear. I wanted to see his reaction. I said “Beta, for now, wear my nighty till I wash your clothes and dry them.”

He was overwhelmed to see the nighty but didn’t react, however I could see the excitement in his eyes. He said “Ok Mom”

He wore the pink nighty and came to me in the kitchen. He said “Mom, can I have my underwear atleast?”

I said “Oh Beta, they are also wet. Let me think what to do.. Can you wear my underwear?”

When I said this, I could see his hardon from the nighty as there was a bulge in the nighty. 

He said “Okay Mom, till my clothes dry up, I will wear your panty.. I mean underwear”

I could feel the excitement in his words. I went to my bedroom and came out with a black velvet panty. He took the panty in his room and wore  it. He came out and sat on the chair. I served him lunch and went inside my bedroom.

I came out with a t shirt and a pant and said to Rajesh “Beta, I found your dad’s old tshirt and his pant, now you can feel relaxed. You can change into your dad’s clothes and remove my nighty.”

I could see that he was worried. He said “Mom, let it be.. I am liking this nighty. Its so soft and so comfortable.”

I said “But Rajesh, you are a boy and this is my nighty. How can you be comfortable in this? Please remove it. I don’t want my son to wear ladies’ clothes. These clothes don’t look good on you.”

He became sad and said “Mom, I don’t have the patience to change clothes again. Let me wear this nighty.”

I said “Ok Rajesh.”

I sat beside him and kept my hand on his shoulder and said “Do you like wearing this nighty? Have you ever wore other ladies clothes?”

He hesitantly said “Mom, I never tried. But sometimes when I cannot find my underwear, I wear didi’s panty.”

I said “Would you like to wear a bra?”

His hands trembled and without looking at me he said “Mom, but why?”

I said “I used to dress you up in didi’d frocks when you were a child. So would love to to that again.”

He said “If you insist.”

I went to my bedroom and came out with a black bra. I asked his to remove his nighty. I made him wear my bra which was 38 in size and was very loose. So I inserted folded cushion covers in the bra cups. Then Rajesh wore the nighty. He was happy.

I said “I know you wear your didi’s panty as well as her bra. Dont worry I am not angry but anxious to know that do you like girls or boys? Dont be shy, tell me, I will support you.”

He hugged me like a child and started crying. He said “Mom I am so sorry. But I like wearing girl’s clothes but I am not gay. I am very straight but I like to wear bra and panty.”

I was relieved. I was tension free. I kissed his forehead and made him sit on bed. I told him “You can wear all of didi’s old clothes in the house. You can even wear my clothes. I am in full support since you are not gay. I knew that you are not a gay.”

Rajesh said “How mom? How did you know?”

I said “I saw you in bra and panty and masturbating while looking at female models in Femina Magazine.”

He said “Mom, I knew someday I will get caught.”

I said “Son, it is absolutely fine at your age. I give you freedom to wear your sister’s or my clothes whenever you are at home, but masturbate only in your room.”

Both of us started laughing. I said “Do you want to masturbate now?”

He said “Very badly mom, but I will go to my room.”

I said “No, this time masturbate in front of me. I will teach you how to masturbate properly, and next time onwards do it yourself.”

I could not wait and removed the panty from under his nighty. He took out his hard penis in his hand and started shaking its skin in up and down movements. I said “I will get wigs and fake breasts for you next week. Tell me what do you think when masturbating while you are crossdressed?”

He said “Mom, I think I am having sex with a hot girl.”

I took his penis in my hand and started shaking it up and down very fast. He was panting hard and said “Ohh mom, I am in heaven.. I want to spurt out all my cream." 

I masturbated his penis more fast and soon he spurted out lots and lots of sperms on the floor and as well as in my hand.

I told him “I have shown you how to masturbate, now no more discussion on sex as I am your mom. But you have the freedom to wear ladies clothes while at home. Now go your room and change. Wear something nice like a salwar kameez of your sister.”

He was happy and went to his room. I quickly went to my bedroom and closed the door. I was feeling very horny. I want to rub my throbbing wet pussy. I removed my purple saree and was just in purple blouse and petticoat. I was holding my son’s hot sperms in one of my hand.

I lowered my panty, lied down on bed. I put all my son’s sperms on my pussy surface and inserted two fingers in my pussy. I was rubbing very fast with low moaning sound. Within 2 minute I had an orgasm like a blast.

I didn’t want to indulge in sex with my son but I relieved myself by masturbating again. I came out of my bedroom and saw Rajesh in a green salwar kameez. I hugged him. From that day, we became more close and he loved his mother like anything.